Your Trusted Independent Solar Expert: Why it’s important to choose wisely

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has asked us to assist you to choose the right solar system for your needs. Click here if you missed their introductory email. And to be reminded of why you can trust us as your independent solar advisers, here’s our bio’s.

Previously, we advised that the #1 most important thing you can do when choosing a solar provider is:

Principle #1:

Avoid the temptation to just choose the cheapest quote you can find

The adage ‘you get what you pay for’ holds true in the solar industry, and many people find that a cheap solar system simply doesn’t last long enough or perform well enough to pay for itself. That’s because in order to make it ridiculously cheap, your solar company has to buy cheap equipment and/or cut corners with installation and/or operate with margins that don’t allow for customer support when something inevitably goes wrong.

Put simply, buy cheap solar and you’re likely to have thrown your money away.

Principle #2:

A solar power system should pay for itself over and over (and over) again in its 25+ year life

The main reason people buy a solar power system is to reduce electricity bills. But if the system fails before it pays back its investment, then it’s been a waste of money.

When buying a solar power system, you’re making an investment that should deliver you a healthy return. And put simply, the longer the system lasts and the more reliable it is, the greater the return.

Principle #3:

What differentiates solar power equipment is A) longevity and B) performance

There’s so many brands of solar panels and inverters, most of which you’ve probably never heard of before. In the future, we’ll send you more details on how to choose the right solar power equipment.

Put simply, in all likelihood, the cheapest possible equipment won’t last nearly as long as good quality equipment. And before cheap equipment fails it also won’t have been performing as well, meaning your electricity bills will be higher than they should be.

You don’t have to choose the most expensive equipment to produce an excellent outcome, but you should certainly avoid the cheapest if you want to make a healthy long-term return on your investment.

Principle #4:

Choosing your solar company is the most important solar decision you’ll make

Choose the right solar company and they will:

  1. Recommend a system that is right for your needs (not for their own highest profit)
  2. You’ll have a good customer experience (rather than an infuriating one)
  3. You’ll have no issues with your solar system (rather than have it fail before it pays for itself)
  4. They’ll be around to assist if things ever go wrong (rather than closing down because they went broke).

Sadly, there are some real horror stories out there. Customers getting shafted by companies installing different equipment than was ordered (the old switcheroo!), customers losing their money, systems never working to begin with, the list goes on. Unfortunately, the solar industry has its fair share of shonks, sharks, and cowboys that sell junk that ends up in landfill.

But it’s also got plenty of well-motivated, ethical solar businesses that sell solutions that last a generation. That’s why it’s important to choose wisely.

If you’re ready to take the next steps now to go solar and receive the benefits of solar energy as soon as possible, then get in touch today with on . They’ll fast track you as your details are already on file!

Or click the button below to leave your details and will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your new or existing quote. Easy!

Next, we’ll show you HOW to choose the right solar company.