Please enter the name of the company (Sunfluence client). This will be referenced on each web page the customer sees.
If you'd like to personalise the sender of the email, then you can enter the name of the salesperson they should get in touch with.
Enter the phone number the customer should call with any questions. This may be your salesperson's direct number, or the company's inbound telephone number
Here is your chance to tell your customer why you're fantastic. This appears at the bottom of every webpage (both pre-sale and post-sale). Make sure you phrase your content from the benefits the customer will receive (i.e. great customer experience).
At the bottom of each post in the sales series, there's a Call-to-Action button that links through to your website, encouraging your prospective customer to act.
Please enter the webpage you'd like your customer to be directed to if they hit your 'Call to action' button. Best practice is a dedicated landing page to 'close' a prospective deal. But otherwise, your company's contact us page should suffice
Gathering feedback from your customers is your opportunity to continually improve your business, and increase your customer ratings for even more sales.
Paste the URL of your Customer Feedback Form here. Leave this blank if you don't have one, and we will provide you with Sunfluence's form at no charge,
To encourage your customers to provide feedback, you may wish to offer an incentive if they do so. Its placed beneath the link to your feedback form.
How would you like your happy customers to refer people to you? Perhaps this is best done via a specific referral program landing page on your website, where you explain how to refer (and the incentive for doing so).
If you don't have one, leave this field blank and we will provide you with a form hosted on your solarguides subdomain
Write some text here describing your referral incentive scheme. First, what the incentive is. Then how to refer. If you have a separate incentive for commercial referrals, make sure to mention that too.
If you provide maintenance services, here's your chance to promote them.